
    * Dear reader, We apologize for the fact that not all of the text so far been translated into English. This work will necessarily done in the future.

Provisional World View

1. Introduction

    This article attempts to offer a consistent view of organization of the world based on minimal number of statements - some postulates not subject to proof. This world-view should explain some artifacts that are beyond the conventional concepts of the world.

2. Organization of the world

    Postulate 1
The world consists of a set of randomly intersecting energy lines extending from the infinity and to the infinity.

    The energy lines (also referred to as "emanations", "strings") form a basis of organization of the world. Physicists are now working on the elaboration of strings theory, that mathematically describes structure of the space and is formulated within the framework of ten-dimensional spacetime. Let us quote a passage from "String theory" article in Wikipedia:

    "String theory - is a branch of mathematical physics that studies dynamics not of point particles, as most physical subdisciplines do, but of one-dimensional extended objects, so called strings. This theory argues that all the fundamental particles and their fundamental interactions emerge as a result of oscillations and interactions of ultra-microscopic strings, whose length is about 10-35m (Planck length). This approach, on the one hand, enables to avoid such difficulties inherent in quantum field theory as necessity for renormalization, and on the other hand, leads to more profound vision of the structure of matter, forces and spacetime itself, because string theory discourse is suited for description of both microscopic world (scope of application of quantum mechanics) and macroscopic world (scope of application general relativity theory).

    The strings theory appeared in the middle of 1970s as a result of development of string model of hadron structure. The mid-1980s and the mid-1990s were marked by rapid development of the strings theory. It was expected that in the short run "unified theory" or "theory of everything" will be formulated on the basis of the strings theory. A. Einstein devoted some decades of work to searching for such theory but did not succeed. In the recent years the string theory has encountered a serious difficulty - so called landscape problem - consisting in that the strings theory admits parallel existence of huge multitude of universes other than the one we live in."

    The surrounding world is perceived by humans as three-dimensional. The strings theory argues that the surrounding world is at least ten-dimensional, and this implies existence of an infinite number of three-dimensional (parallel) worlds.

    "Just as in the plane (2-dimensional) space we can construct an infinite number of non-intersecting lines (one-dimensional spaces), just as in the volume (three-dimensional) space we can easily construct an infinite number of nonintersecting planes (two-dimensional worlds), so in the four-dimensional space we can locate an infinite number of three-dimensional spaces (of habitual sizes)." (

    And what happens if the dimension is 10?...

    Postulate 2
Objects of the surrounding world are containers (cocoons) that enclose sections (fragments) of a set of infinite energy lines.

    The energy lines enclosed in the cocoon of a living body are in constant motion and form a multitude of vortices paired with the living body organs. Exhaustion of the energy centers leads to disorders in the functioning of the corresponding organs and gives rise to oncological diseases. "Omnivory" of cancer manifesting itself in the ability to damage almost any system of any living body is accounted for by this consistent correspondence "energy center - organ". It is lack of energy "feeding" of an organ that leads to its cancer damage.
     The energy center exhaustion (energy dissipation, energy loss within the center) may be caused by many factors. It may be both direct physical impact (solar or radioactive exposure, chemical substances exposure, physical injuries, contusions, burns etc.) and emotional stress.
     In the present-day world, the number of sources of emotional stress - being one of the reasons of oncological diseases - is many times as large as, for instance, in the 19 century (take television with its constant flow of negative information). Influence of the oncogenic factors expresses itself in an integrated, paralleled manner, but it is emotional stress that produces most destructive effect on human body. Steady-state stress (depression, chronic fatigue, lack of proper rest) inevitably leads to exhaustion of energy centers and, as a result, to oncological disease. Therefore, to heal a patient suffering from oncological disease, it is necessary to reactivate the energy center (to renew energy store) and to reduce influence of the oncogenic factors to minimum.

    The energy lines, fragments of which are enclosed in the cocoon of a living body, outside the cocoon extend to the infinity, threading an infinite number of cocoons of other living bodies as well as energy containers belonging to objects of inorganic nature (like a thin thread that connects beads of a necklace). The innumerous energy lines passing through the cocoon of a living body form an incomprehensible universe network of energy interrelations, connecting the cocoon with all objects of the surrounding world ("Главный секрет мироздания").

    Through the agency of these energy lines "everything is intertwined", in the literal sense of the word, and this interrelation accounts for such phenomena as telepathy, domination, telekinesis, telegnosis, etc. Telepathy ("thought reading") - as direct perception of information located in the cocoon of another living body, domination ("obtrusion of one's thoughts on other people") - as direct transfer of information to another cocoon, and telekinesis - as direct influence on an object aimed at redistribution of the object's inner energy - share one and the same physical basis: an influence is being exerted through some common energy lines that open access to cocoons of different living bodies and to energy containers of inanimate objects.


     The figure shows provisional chart of clairvoyance phenomenon: there are many parallel worlds distinguished only by current time t (some worlds are ahead of t, while others are behind of t). It means that some future events - relative to the world with current time t - might have already occurred in the worlds with advanced time, and vice versa: the event that already occurred in the world with current time t may have yet to occur in the worlds with backward time.
     A clairvoyant receives information about the events that have actually occurred in the worlds with advanced time and communicates such information as a prediction. But such predictions are not 100% "binding", for from the point of view of the world with current time t - where the clairvoyant lives - such progress of events is just one of possible variations of the future, because each person has a "right of choice", an ability to act as he considers appropriate in each given situation.
    As an example, we will recall the chapter "Mirror world" from the book by N.Bekhtereva "Magic spell of the brain and labyrinths of life", where the author describes her visit to Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Vanga suggested N. Behtereva to go to Siberia. Strange as it may seem, Vanga had no idea as to what "Siberia" was - a town or a region. As she returned to Leningrad, N. Behtereva received an invitation to Siberia, where a scientific conference dedicated to her grandfather - academician V.Bekhterev - was held. And she did not go there, for she decided on another scenario.

    Postulate 3
Cocoons of "animate" objects of the surrounding world (flora and fauna) share one specific feature - so called "assemblage point" - an area of the cocoon that embodies only those energy lines which can be perceived by mind of a "living" object.

    Humans have limited perception of this world - they cannot sense magnetic field, nor hear infra- and ultrasound, nor see objects within infra- and ultra- frequency spans. But the humans know about such phenomena's existence from some indirect indicators, and the humans have learnt to use such phenomena through the agency of physical instruments. Each human perceives only those energy lines which at any given time pass through his assemblage point; such lines are organized in a human's mind to form an image (view) of the "real" surrounding world.

    When the assemblage point changes its position, a living object starts to perceive a different set of energy lines, and as a result, image (view) of the "real" surrounding world also changes. The figure 5 shows the assemblage point displacement within a human's energy cocoon.


    To perceive the surrounding world in one and the same manner (to "live" in the same world) all the people have to share one and the same position of the assemblage point.
    "To be like everybody else" means to have the same position of the assemblage point as every body else. Mankind is like a multitude of radio receivers being on the same wavelength (the same radio station). Change of the assemblage point position always brings about change of availability of information perceived by a human, therefore, a human having shifted (relative to typical) position of the assemblage point, proves to possess extrasensory abilities. Extrasensory individual is like a radio receiver with "floating" frequency: besides the required station, it also receives noises of other, adjacent stations.

    Position of the assemblage point of newborn children is fixed by their parents in the process of interacting with the children during the first months of their life (lulling, speaking, cradle songs etc.), and later the position is maintained by a child himself, by means of internal dialogue (continuous conversation to oneself). The higher the level of such internal dialogue development, the more reliably the assemblage point is fixed to its constant position, the more firmly "stands" the man in the habitual "physical" world.

    Cessation of internal dialog leads to shift of the assemblage point, and as a result, to loss of habitual perception of this world. Each person makes such a trick at least once a day - in the absence of control by the internal dialogue, the assemblage point displacement submerges the man into a sleep. To fall asleep, a human has to get free from the internal dialogue, and vice versa: in order to wake up, "to come to his senses" after sleep, a human has to talk to himself aloud or silently (to greet a new day with a song).

    The assemblage point displacement may also be caused by alcohol or drug abuse, extreme temperature exposure, or emotional stress as bodily response to a very strong impact - physical (pain shock) or psychical (sudden news), physical over-fatigue, etc. Such impacts and subsequent assemblage point displacement may result in falling into sleepy state, trance, fainting ("loss of consciousness"), or - in critical cases - insanity (mental disorder).

    The assemblage point displacement in relation to the position typical for most people and its fixation in such new position may bring about both extrasensory abilities and mental disorders ("Сон" and "Шизофрения").

    Extrasensory abilities may appear both in childhood ("Дети индиго") and in mature age - as a result of illnesses, bodily injuries, coma or near death experience ("Экстрасенсы").

    A human may only perceive those energy lines which are enclosed in his cocoon. All other energy lines that do not pass through a man's cocoon, may not be perceived, and therefore, we may conclude that humans have limited perception of this world. According to scientists, so called "dark matter" not perceived by humans accounts for some 96% of all the matter in the Universe ("Открыто излучение темной материи").

    Scientific society is very suspicious about extrasensory abilities, which stems from many reasons:
     - reactions of extrasensory individuals are always very subjective (it "seems" to them) and do not show 100% repeatability;
     - lack of sufficiently precise scientific methods of studying the extrasensory individuals;
     - lack of physical instruments for studying the extrasensory individuals;
     - some "serious" scientists refuse to study extrasensory individuals for fear to lose their scientific status;
     - and the most important thing: the mere fact of existence of extrasensory individuals comes into conflict with predominant scientific view of the surrounding world.

    Nevertheless, in our materialistic world really exists an artifact that represents a real challenge to the universally accepted world view. It comes into contradiction with all the existing scientific concepts of the world, it is constantly present in our world in the form of physical object of scientific research, and - as judged by reaction of the scientists who explored it - it simply shocks the researchers.

    When it was exhumed in autumn of 2002, the body of Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov who died (?!) in 1927 was in a condition of someone who had died not more than twelve hours ago, with preserved body flexibility, living somatic cells, intact nuclei, eyeballs, etc. ("Тайна Хамбо-ламы").

     How can the proposed world-view explain this phenomenon?

     The fact is that a human can, at will, change assemblage point position and fix the assemblage point in the new position. It is clear that such actions can only be performed by a human who has sufficient energy reserves and is in possession of necessary methods (knowledge, techniques). Prior to entering his actual state, Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov, with the help of his disciples, performed special purification rite ("without touching a ground") and started to say prayers and meditate.

     As a result of this, the assemblage point of Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov has shifted to such position as to incorporate energy lines creating a world in which time flows in a way differing from "our" world. Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho "lives" (his mind stands) in another (parallel?) world, while in "our" world there is only his physical body representing a symbol of incomprehensible abilities of a human.

3. Conclusion

    Well known philosophical term - OCCAM'S RAZOR (or knife) - designates a principle set up by English monk and nominalist philosopher William of Ockham (c. 1300-1349). The principle reads as follows: "It is futile to do with more things that which can be done with fewer " , or in the later version: "Plurality must never be posited without necessity". This means that an explanation (or solution) shall not be too complicated as compared to the issue under consideration and that more simple theories should be preferred to more complicated ones provided that they are equally justified by experience.

     The three postulates presented enable us to explain many seemingly supernatural phenomena and to build a complete world-view out of separate fragments.

     The foregoing concepts of the world may also help scientists to fight against incurable mental and oncological diseases, for reasons of such diseases are to be sought in energy structure of a human.

     About the same in other words

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